Michael Jackson ‘This Is It’ Official Movie Trailer
You know some people, or maybe most people think very little of MJ because of what has been said about him. But regardless of that, that man changed the music industry forever.
I grew up listening to his music and still to this day don’t get sick of the songs. Correction the only song I can’t really stand is Thriller.
On Wednesday night I’m going to see This Is It, not because I’m a huge fan, but because his music (and dancing) is amazing.
So don’t come at me proclaiming I’m supporting a horrible person, I’m supporting the music and style that inspired many of the great artists we listen to today.
Keep this in mind. With great power, comes great responsibility. You may laugh, but think about it. If MJ didn’t become as big as he did, do you think he would have been in the news as much?
Kyle, please write up a review on this.. I am definitely really curious what you think of the movie!
I’ve been debating whether or not to go see it.
I’ll definitely try. I’m hoping the reviews I see come in from tonight viewing don’t taint my opinion on it.
If anyone else sees it, I’d love to know what you thought.