When I started YkOnline I made the choice to create its own Twitter account. Mainly because at that time I thought twitter was the greatest thing invented and I was full on driving the bandwagon. Nowadays I’m not so sure that was a good idea, but that is a different post, for another time.
What I want to get at is a plugin I quickly installed for YkOnline. What the plugin does is, every time a reader comments on a post on the blog, it then gets sent to the YkOnline Twitter account. The way I have it set up, its says “[NEW COMMENT] <Start of Comment> LINK TO COMMENT”.
The reasoning for doing this makes sense, to me anyways. The way I saw it was, I needed more content for the YkOnline Twitter account and I wanted it to always be related to Yellowknife/YkOnline. So by doing this I was letting the followers know of discussion going on back on the site. I saw nothing wrong with this. I figured one of the reasons people followed YkOnline on Twitter was because they wanted to be updated about new posts and new content and I see comments as content.
So for a couple months I didn’t think anything of it and didn’t do anything. Then one of my friends sent me a message directly about it, I guess it was the first time they had noticed it. At first I didn’t know if they liked it or not, which got me thinking about it. Was the way I was doing it actually spamming people! I sure hope not. This friends then told me they liked the idea and agreed with my reasoning behind it.
For those of you who use twitter or social networking sites as well as blog what is your take this situation? What you ever consider using a plugin like this?
Megan says
It’s fine by me. I don’t use the plugin for my site, but it doesn’t bother me to see the comments on Twitter.