I have spent about 5 minutes with Lion so far. I’m not even on Lion writing this because I left it at the office, but I do quickly want to touch on a couple of the main feature, features which I don’t think I will use all that much.
Launch Pad
This is Apple’s way of making Mac OS X more iOSy, right? The idea is you press a button or the icon and a group of your apps shows up on-screen. This is not going to work for me. I don’t need it, next, boring, useless feature. I really don’t use that many apps when I’m on the computer. Maybe browser, mail, twitter client, marsedit, aperture, itunes, all which fit on my dock. To even go one step further, I have become accustom to using Spotlight to quick launch any app I need. Cmd + Spacebar, enter first 3 letter of app and hit enter (it learns what I want) to open. That process takes me less time than it would with opening Launchpad, finding app and clicking open.
Reverse Scrolling
This is the one feature I don’t really care about. I’m unsure why Apple is trying to reverse our habit of scrolling, maybe because they have some master plan or maybe because Steve Jobs just wanted to change the way we do things. Either way it is not a big burden on me, I simply just scroll up instead of down. I learn the new way, I move on.
Mission Control
Supposedly Mission Control is the combination of Expose, Spaces, All Window Display and a couple other older features together. First off, I have never really used Expose, mainly because I don’t really know what it does and secondly, I use to use Spaces, but found I hated it for some aspects, so I abandon it (I have two massive monitors at work, why do I need spaces). Really the only thing I seem myself using here is the ability to display all the open windows I have, but that is nothing new.
So those are the three features I briefly used in the 5 minutes I had to try out Lion. There are somethings I still need to check out and report on, like Mail and Full Screen Apps. I have a hunch those two might get used more than the others.
We will see. Have you played with Lion much, what are your thoughts?
Todd says
So far, so good. Liking Mission Control, with the combo of all the old apps. Especially enjoy that I can have different backgrounds for each desktop.
I haven’t played with Lion, waiting for the reviews. Like the read on this. Thanks