Every time I see a video like this I want to start writing. I want to write about how I feel, what I see, what I experience and how I live my life. I always want to do this, but I can never get the words out. Someday.
I would like to say that being different is awesome. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you believe, who you love, being different is, in my eyes, more beneficial than a burdan. Embrace it, use it, love it.
Just remember, you are fabulous, no matter what you do.
I really doubt people with disabilities would agree with you. You can make the best of a disability but it’s still not an asset, much less “awesome.” Having a disability is stressful and often demoralizing. Pretending otherwise doesn’t make it better.
Maybe so, but my underlining message here is positivity. If we look at life as always being stressful than it will be, if we try to find the positivity our outlook at life will improve.
Having worked with many people with disabilities, from mild to severe, over the years I definitely understand your point Mongoose. Disabilities can create all kinds of challenges in the same continuum, from mild to severe. That’s the reality. When it comes to embracing one’s psonal value though, I think we need to help everyone remember that people are not their disabilities. You are right, you can’t pretend the challenges exist, but I believe you can also celebrate the individual’s worth.
Great post KyleWith…great topic….