It is a daunting word, process. Processes are scary, but they have to be done and followed.
By now I’m assuming everyone knows that I have accepted a new job with the communications company Kellett Communications and that the job is based in Yellowknife. If you
didn’t know, then you should watch the video found here.
I’m excited I’m heading back to Yellowknife, but not so much that I will be living with my parents for a while. Sure, at 21 years old that is not a big deal, but it is to me. I’mindependent and I like my own living space. Heck I can barely handle roommate, unless I know them. I’m extremely thankful for my parents though and their house.
As I wont have my own place for a little while, the moving process has to be thought out a bit more. Do I take all my furniture or get rid of all of it? If I do take it, where will I store it? These are all questions I’ve had to ask.
I decided to get rid of my two couches, my kitchen table, desk and bed thing my mattress is on. I’m going to keep my lounge chair, because it is awesome, and my brand new bed I bought in August.
Then of course there is all the junk I have collected in the last year and a half. SO MUCH JUNK! I’m glad this apartment has a dumpster outside, because it will be used.
I find moving misleading. The packing of the vehicle or trailer is the easy part, but that is part we often see. What we don’t see if people pulling their hair trying to fit all their belongings in boxes.
I’m glancing around looking at all that needs to be packed and I see: electronics, kitchen ware, food, pictures, cookbooks, clothes and bikes. It sure doesn’t seem like much, but it adds up.
9 Days before the trek north. 9 days to get this small apartment packed and cleaned. 9 days.
I love roommates. Even the ones I don’t love. Living with roommates is always an interesting experience for me. Not parents, though. I haven’t lived with my parents since I was 16. But it’s nice to have the kind of relationship with your parents where you can move back in when you need to.