Yes one week from getting Apple’s new iPhone 5 and I’m feeling like an idiot, so before you go ahead and call me an Apple Fan Boy or some variation and tell me I wasted my money, I know. I get it. As my co-worker James would say “derp de deep derp”
I also forget how much klout I have sometimes and forget that one comment about one thing can cause a reaction from many people. This tweet of course was about my iPhone 5’s battery life but I have other complaints too. So here they are in raw anger.
We’ll start off the battery life or the lack there of with the iPhone 5. It is pretty pathetic because I can barely get through a day. I’m not a heavy iPhone user, I sit at a desk for most of the day with email, Facebook and twitter open on my computer so I really have no need for my iPhone. However by the time live after 8 hours it is at about half battery life. Uh… don’t know where that went.
I got up, unplugged the phone to go to work, left phone sitting on desk = 50% Battery Life.
Then there is the 7 hours after that where I am moving around. I may check my emails, tweet and Facebook but nothing that should kill the battery any more than normal. So by the time 9-10pm rolls around I’m at 10% – I’M IN THE RED
Okay fine, maybe it is the LTE network… and the fact that the iPhone keeps jumping from 3G to LTE… and the fact this is Apple first LTE phone and they don’t have there shit together but still. How can a phone not be able to last a day on moderate use.
Looking back at my iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, which I still have. My 4 lasts a day with normal use still, after being in snow and water for 4 month and my 4S which lasts a good day and a half with the use I described above.
My only other issue right at the current moment is the change in cable port. Not that Apple changed it but more that Apple dropped the ball on getting suppliers more cable adaptors and cables. With crappy battery life I like to have chargers near by, I have one at work, in my jeep, in my office and bedroom, but can’t because I can’t get them yet.
Grumble Grumble. Yes I’m whining about a $600 product that I didn’t even want to by and don’t even think is all that great.
Oh but I have no issue with Apple Maps… they work fine.
so.. want to sell it then ?