Yellowknife has been having some ridiculously nice weather lately and fingers crossed it doesn’t end.
I have been biking into work steadily for about three weeks now with much joy. When I started my time to get from my house to my office, which is about 3.80kms, took me 13 minutes. As of lately my time has gotten down to between 10-11 minutes with my fastest time being 9 minutes 11 seconds.
My legs have been getting stronger and I am noticing that I’m not panting as much when I finish the ride. It is becoming more enjoyable than anything else. That being said I got my first taste of the rocks again today and it wasn’t even that far.
As I was riding home I took a quick detour up the start of the hiking trail around Frame Lake. Simple rocky surface up a small hill. It nearly killed me climbing. The bike did well bouncing off one rock to the next but my legs were not prepared to deal with gravity. I ended up stalling and falling off a couple times. It was pathetic but I’m not giving up. This is just the start.
The bike I am riding is a Specialized Chamber Pro 29er and has been supplied by the awesome people of in Grande Prairie. They have been very kind to me and their service is amazing. Go Like their and you’ll see what I mean.