Bigger than myself

The Website of Kyle Thomas (KyleWith)
I’ve read many book about the establishment of northern mining towns and I love them. I read the stories of different people who have adapted to their environment and who weren’t afraid to do whatever they needed to to survive.
Many, it seems, ended up doing things they weren’t necessarily educated in doing or had planned to do but did them because either someone asked them to or that particular thing just needed to be done.
I cherish this mentality and it feeds my constant wandering mind of ideas.
Heck I can go from planning a piece on Yellowknife to baking bread to building a website to planning a content strategy. Why settle for just one thing?
Photo credit: http://howtodoeverything.org/
Okay maybe this is a bad thing, but I don’t follow shows, I wait until they are all done and watch them in bulk by season. Watching TV is my mind numbing way of turning off my brain. I actually normally watch TV while baking or while I write blog posts, like right now.
When I watch these shows, in bulk, I tend to absorb them and associate them into my everyday life. Let me give you two examples.
Well this is an easy one. They ran an advertising agency in the 60’s and 70’s and I work at a marketing agency here in Yellowknife. Despite it being based in the past and, well, a tv show, there were similarities. When I was working on a projects scenes from the show sometimes pop into my head. Things like how to work with clients, manage things, pitch ideas, etc. Now I’m not saying that I use it as a guidebook, but sometime it helps to think about things in a different way.
It took me a long time to get into Breaking Bad, but now I’m hooked. When I started watching the show I was in full force at the Yellowknife Farmers’ Market. I was making the only locally made bread, producing about 100 loaves a week, and I was damn good at it. There was excitement, thrill, long nights and stress to meet quotas. I was known to many as the bread guy. All of which you could say about Walter White and his blue meth. Weird I know, but when I find myself in the kitchen weighing out different measurements that when combined make an unbelievable product.
Well I just started Season 8. It has been a while since I watch Season 7 so I don’t recall how I associated this secret serial killer with myself… so we’ll have to see where this goes.
What TV show do you associate with your life?
Image Source: Slate
It seems like the traditional thing to do, write a 2012 blog post. I see many other bloggers doing it, like Chris Brogan and his random 3 words of 2012 and Lisa Bettany and her Photographers Resolutions. Figured I could take a stab at it.
Lets reflect, for a second, on what happened in 2011. I think one of the first things I tried doing was the Photo-a-Day project and that didn’t work, so I wont try again.
I was learning lots living in Fort St. John, my role at Motion Media, from what I knew, was going well. After the success of my first big Social Media Workshop I was geared to do more, so off we went to Dawson Creek and Fort Nelson. I wouldn’t say they were huge successes, but successful enough and I was enjoying it. I learned that teaching is one of my strong points, I enjoy it and appreciate the outcome. I was also picking up more photography work and was even taking on more of a project management role. It was good fun.
The biggest thing for me in 2011 was that I lived independently from my parents for an entire year. I lived in 3 different places in Fort St. John before settling into my current tiny apartment. I have come to learn I love my own place, I love my own space and I’m picky about it. I even generally refuse to live with a roommate unless I know them before, I don’t like just roommates, I rather live with friends. I also don’t think I could live with my parents again for very long. I love them, I respect them, but their house is not mine and we do not live the same.
First and foremost, happy new year. I hope this year, the year of the dragon, brings you joy, prosperity and wealth.
2011 left me with a lot of changes and undecided paths to take. So I foresee 2012, for me, will be the year of change and development. I will continue to do what I love, even if it may become difficult. I will be challenged, in new ways, ways that will better me in the future. I may fail at somethings, but as many have been quoted saying, that is what you’ll encounter on the path to success. Above all I want to have more self-confidence.
And speaking self-confidence, in 2012 I want to put myself out there more socially. Sounds a little awkward, I know, but for me making friends takes a lot and I want to overcome that. I need to have more of a personality in real life, give people a chance and not hide away in my home.
Honestly, going into 2012 has me nervous more than anything else. New things, of any kind have me on edge. And change, however good it is, scares me, I’m much more of a routine guy, that has been stated.
Anyways, whatever path you are on and whatever I take, I hope we cross paths at some point along our way.
Cheers to 2012.
Earlier today a web development company, much like the one I work for here in Fort St. John put it out on twitter, that they were looking for a web manager. Now I have no idea what that includes, but it did bring up some ideas.
photo © 2008 Dru Bloomfield | more info (via: Wylio)
I re-tweeted it and then a lot of other people in Yellowknife were suggesting that I apply. I’m of course torn, I have such a good job down here in Fort St. John and an awesome friend space, although small. This got me thinking a lot about Yellowknife, and I can say that I do dearly miss it.
I miss my family, I think I have to say that. I miss the rocks and the lakes. I miss the atmosphere, the city in a small town. I miss a lot of things about Yellowknife, I do want to go back someday. I just don’t know when that will be.
This got me thinking though, why can’t I go back. Why can’t I do it I’m doing now and work from wherever I want. I decided to take a look at what I do in a day. I answer e-mails, I talk to clients, I act as technical support, I work with websites and I create content. There are other things that I do, but those of the gist of things. From what I can tell most of those things can be done from anywhere, after all we do work in the world of the Internet. With technologies like Skype and GoToMeeting, it should be perfectly possible for me to work remotely. I should be able to Skype consulting calls with clients as needed.
I’m happy with the position I am in at work and I hope my employer is as well. I hope to develop my position in the future, that will allow me to move around as I need to or as I want to. In my line of business I don’t see why I couldn’t have clients all over the world. I truly believe that’s the way this type of business is going. I don’t want to have to situate myself in one location permanently.
It seems like a lot to ask for a 20-year-old, but if I work towards it I don’t see why wouldn’t be possible. – WMRGUMEAJ3HC –