I want to change the world
I want to change the world.
I want to change the world for the better. Leave it a better place than when I showed up.
It is a weird feeling. It is a feeling of an undeniable drive to do something bigger than myself. It consumes my thoughts. It steals my energy and drains my emotions.
The problem is I don’t yet know what that is.
The first thing I have to come to grips is what this actually means to change the world.
A key lesson I have learned is that if I change one person’s outlook on life then I have changed the world.
A statement like wanting to change the world has the connotation of wanting to make a global impact but that doesn’t have to be true. We often forget the world is made up of many things; people, animals, places, objects and so on.
If you change any of those things, you have technically changed the world from what it was before you did it.
So when a statement is made about changing the world a person must first consider what part of the world they want to change and why.
In my own case when I make the statement about changing the world it comes from that drive to do something bigger than myself.
I could simply live my life working for my own well-being. Grow my business to serve me, support me and let me do only things that benefit me. This might work for many people but it does not for me.
My businesses do serve me, support me and let me do things I enjoy but I can’t shake the feeling that I am meant to do more.
If you look at the front page of this website you will see the mantra: “In everything I do, I do to help people communicate around the topics, ideas, and passions they have.” I believe this wholeheartedly, but I feel like it is not defined enough yet.
I feel like I need to define my true purpose before I can attack this desire to do more and ultimately change the world, however I define it.
More to come on purpose next time…