Yesterday was full of 2 interesting findings, even though I slept all day.
The one thing I go excited about was some national recognition YkOnline received. Here is what happened. At about 6pm I got up and opened up my MacBook as I always do and checked my stats for both websites. When I saw that YkOnline had almost tripled the amount of hits it was normally gets I couldn’t believe it. I thought it was weird as the only post I had published in 5 days was about Yellowknife’s Twitter community and didn’t think it would get very much recognition and well I was right. As I scrolled down to see where the hits were being referred from I saw that most of them were coming from If you don’t know about Miss604, you should check it out. Rebecca Bollwitt blogs about Vancouver and has become very famous do it, needless to say she is an idol of mine. So when I saw all these hits coming from her site, I quickly scrambled over there. I was delightfully surprised to read in one of her latest posts she linked back to YkOnline. Not only that she explained that we (as in Yellowknifers) have TweetUps and have a directory of all the Tweeps. I was so happy to see that not only YkOnline was getting recognized but also our Twitter community.
The other interesting thing about yesterday was what I found on my truck tires. Orange lines, could they be markings done by By-Law Officers. Read my post of YkOnline about what I think.
There you have it.
Thanks for the kind words, happy to give you some exposure. It’s great to find pockets of Twitter/blogging communities – keep it up!