One topic of conversation that has been arising is the winter in Fort St John. Yes they are like those in Yellowknife, which is 1000km north, but they aren’t quite the same. For me at least.
When some talk about how they lack of sun light is affecting them, I have no problem. To be totally honest I have never really even thought of it. I just get up in the morning, in the dark, and go to work. Then at 5pm when it starts to get dark again I go home. I don’t even have a very high Vitamin C in take. I don’t even know what it is I do that allows me to not be affected by the lack of like. I guess growing up in the NWT has provided me with the skill of not realizing it. I will note though that I am highly sensitive to light. Even though it is dark outside, I have big blankets on my windows to keep out any stray light from a light pole or vehicle.
The other side of this is the dry air. Sometimes this is a benefit to the north, as in, we don’t have to suffer those wet chilly condition like southern Canada, then again -40 in dry air with no wind chill is bitterly cold. Normally though the dry air affects everyones skin. Seems like everyone I know carries around lip chap and will even go to the extreme and get humidifiers. Me on the other hand, I don’t think I have every used lip chap. I actually find it gross. Again I don’t know why my skin does dry out. I do use the natural moisturizer, water.
Either I am completely weird or I am just adaptable. I remember when I worked night shift, I could go in and come out of working that shift like it was nothing. I couldn’t always, but the majority of the time I could.
Simple Yellowknife, Fort St John comparisons:
- Fort St John: -20 to Yellowknife: -40
- Fort St John: 8hrs light to Yellowknife: 6hrs light