I have been living in Fort St John over 8 months now and ever since moving I have been in a bit of a limbo. I am currently in my 3rd apartment, I know, bit much for only 8 months but that is the way it is. I never was able to settle into a place and make it my own.
I am now in my own apartment, it isn’t the most glamours place, but it is mine. I have slowly started furnishing it. Recently I bought a kitchen table and chair and a toaster. All I really need now is a couch to go with my chair.
It has actually been tough for me living in limbo. I’m a homebody, I love my home, I need a home. I like having a place I can retreat to when I need to. A place that is mine, that I can control.
Photos make a home more comforting to me, so over the weekend I printed off some photos. The photos if you hadn’t of guessed are of people. Oh and those people happen to be family.
Looking around my living room and see these photos, along with a bunch of other ones I put up, makes me feel like I’m in a real home again.
What makes your home, home for you?