Mrs. Robinson softly plays in the background as I settle into my couch at 12:21am. The room is lit by one lamp situated behind me, right next to the entrance to my quaint one bedroom apartment. HDR flickr images rotate on my TV as a screensaver for my beloved Apple TV. The night is perfec… I just killed a moth.
Each Friday afternoon at 5:00pm I think to myself “I am going to get so much writing down this weekend. I’m going to write up some reviews of places in Victoria, events in Yellowknife, and more travel stuff. It is going to be great.” The Friday night passes with nothing but TV watching. Saturday morning arrive, adventures ensue, but not ambition to write appears. I lose hope once again that I am not going to accomplish any writing.
photo © 2010 photosteve101 | more info (via: Wylio)
Then by fluke at 12:21am Sunday morning, after coming home from a house warming party ambition strikes. I start typing. About what, well nothing. I start writing about what is happening around me at that very moment. For that split second everything is perfect. Everything is simple and straight forward. My mind is clear.
No I didn’t write any of the things I intended to at the beginning of the weekend, but nevertheless, getting words on paper, regardless of what they are is an exercise in itself. As someone who blogs (writes) to get those words on page (paper) this is important to me.
I’ll sleep well tonight knowing I accomplished something, although smart, still something.
Good night world.