Found this infographic and thought it was worth sharing.
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The Website of Kyle Thomas (KyleWith)
Found this infographic and thought it was worth sharing.
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Well we all know I’m not aces at the whole grammar shtick, so I thought this was fitting to post. I will be referring to this post for a long time. Admittedly, I do know a good number of them, but not all. How many do you know?
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THis was passed on to me today via Twitter (what isn’t it seems these days) and it shows where Twitter is in 2012. Infographics are great.
It shows Twitter’s numbers, its ups and downs, its celebrities (I couldn’t care less about) and how fast it is growing.
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I just found this Infographic on the National Post website and thought it was pretty neat. It shows the colours of Canada this morning about Election 41. Granted we already new the country was mostly blue and orange, it is neat to see the small places. It also conatains a comparison to the 2008 election.