I thought I would spend sometime today and write out my thoughts on the iPad, a new Apple device I happened to purchase the day of its launch.
Overall I keep telling people that it is just as good or better than expected. As a heavy iPhone user, this is something I was longing for as I could see the potential in the device but found its size hard to use. At the same time I have heard many complain that it is to big, men break out those man purses, and to hard to carry around. I personally don’t think so, but I’m someone who often has a backpack or messenger bag with my MacBook Pro in it. I can definitely see this device allowing me to leave that MacBook at home. Carrying the device is much like carrying a 8.5×11 notebook around or even a hardcover book for that matter, as iPad is also being marketed as an e-reader.
Lets look at the usability of the iPad. With it being a steroid injected iPod touch….. READ THE FULL POST ON WithMedia.ca