This past weekend I attended the first Yellowknife Blogcamp, like I mentioned earlier. It was a fun and informative afternoon. It was good to catch up with old friends and to meet new people from different walks of life.
I’ll do my best here to recall the events of the camp. Once we were all settled David Maguire to the stage first, figuratively of course, and spoke about design and usability. Actually a lot of what he talked about was very informative and much like what I was hearing a lot about while at Drupalcon.
As soon as David wrapped up Liz Hargreaves started speaking about Adobe Kuler, which is a very neat tool. I think there is a lot more to it than I even understand, but what I gather is it helps collect colours. It will show all the colours of a photo, but will help you figure out what colours go together.
From there we move on to Taylor Moore who has some pretty amazing stories I’m sure. He shared with us what it is like being a Game Developer and his journey of developing a children’s game that helps teach language. The final thing he showed us was a free online game like Rock Band or Guitar Hero, called iRok2. The idea is a user chooses music video from a site like YouTube and then by either keyboard or controller they play the game. Everyone should try it.
To end off the day Nancy and myself got into the real blogging/social media topics. I started off by talking about how being social got me to where I am today, that being a very social media oriented job in Northern BC. One thing I liked doing was to only get the conversation going and to see how it unfolded around the room. So on the flip side Nancy took hold of the conversation and questioned how being social and blogging could be a negative for our lives and impact our jobs or futures.
The afternoon was great and really reminded me of a Bird of a Feather session at Drupalcon. I hope to be able to attend another one in the future.
Haha Jean looks spaced out!