Well I finally did it, after living in the prime Aurora viewing city all my life, I finally got out and took a photo of them… while living 1000km south of that in Fort St. John. This was proabably one of the best displays of the lights the Peace Region has ever seen, ironically that would be consider an average show in the North.
While I was dancing around with the lights last night on the side of the highway by myself many memories came flooding back. I remember one paricularly of myself coming out of the Gerry Murphy Area in the dead of winter in Yellowknife and seeing the green AND red light dancing around.
It being the first time I had ever tried the capture the dancing beast I probably didn’t do all that I should. I quickly found, thanks to a friend, that I needed to lower my ISO as I was shooting at 1000. I brought it down to 400 and even found that was to high while processing the photos later.
I’m definitely no or (the King of the Aurora) but I happy with what I got.
ISO400, 11mm, f/8, 30.0secs
FWIW, I have seen the northern lights that brilliant many times before in Fort St John.
Beautiful photo, I hope we get to see more.