Some may know, some may not. I will tell you a bit anyway. I do have my own business called With Media, William Thomas, which is the company behind YkOnline. It is classed as a media Internet company or something like that. When I applied for the business license it was difficult to describe to them then, what it would fall under, but anyways… I am about to apply for the SEED and BDIC funding from the GNWT. Which I may or may not get. In the application process one of the things I have to do, is describe what it is I do and whether or not it can generate enough revenue. This is kind of a funny coincidence because it seems to be a topic among some of us in the blogging realm. I will basically need to describe what blogging – YkOnline – is as well as Podcasting – I have plans to get into this more – and then some multimedia/website building stuff. Thanks to Megan I will use her blog post about explaining these things in plain english.
Either way this goes, it will be good to experience because for the first time since starting all these things, business, podcasting, blogging, I will actually have it down on paper what I do. Not only will it give others the knowledge of what I want to do, but it might give me the clarity and a new perspective of how I want to go about doing it.
Over the next couple day I will start writing all this up for the application and may share some of it here on this blog. To finish off I will leave you with this video, Podcasting in Plain English.
The video is private. 🙁
Huh. It wasn’t when I published the post.