It is great to see people starting blogs, so here are a couple tips to thing about
Small Business and Social Media
Mashable, the Internets biggest blog about Social Media, has done something amazing. You may all think I’m pretty lame for thinking this is amazing, but I think it will help many of us.
As you all know, because I keep babbling about it, I have been reading up on how businesses can use social media to show off there company, sort of speak. Well Mashable compiled a list of very detailed posts about just that subject and put it all into another post.
The post contains categories like: PR and Marketing, Blogging, Video and Productivity. I think it would be great if businesses took the time and read through some of these article, to realize is not only social media beneficial but also fun. I hope to talk more about some of these thing in the future. Check it all out on Mashable here.