I bet a lot of you didn’t know you couldn’t change the name of a Facebook Page once it reaches 100 Likes. I do, and I am willing to help people, but it seems so few value the knowledge that I have.
Constantly I would hear or get the impression that most folks don’t want to pay someone to tell them how to use Facebook, it is a free service after all. Sure it is and for the record, I wouldn’t tell someone what to do, I would help. What these folks don’t realize is, at the end of the day, a Facebook Page is a marketing tool. You are there to promote something, bring awareness about something, keep people informed, so it is important to fully think out what you are doing.
Besides determining if Facebook really is for the client I’m working with, the first thing we would do is find a good page name. Like I mentioned above, once you hit 100 likes, there is no turning back to change it. A Facebook Page name is like the domain name for your website. You can’t change it and expect people to know that you did or where your new place on the Internet is.
When choosing a Facebook Page name some best practises are to find a name that clearly says who/what/where/how and one that has longevity. Those are the two factors that I think are most important. The wwwh so users knows exactly who they are dealing with and longevity because you want a name that covers all your bases, for whatever you do.
I hope name you have some insight into naming a Facebook Page and how important it is with Social Networking to talk to someone who works with it on a daily basis. If you have a question or need help, please email me, or leave a comment below.
It always bugs me when businesses have a page, but then in their commercial, instead of saying the URL like facebook.com/pepsi, they just show a small facebook logo. Like that’s useless. Who’s actually gonna go to Facebook and search through 20 fake pages until they find the company’s legit facebook page? lol
Facebook fan page is one of the internet marketing tools. If you will create a fan page, be 101% sure about your facebook page name.