I admit I’m a little behind on my post about the Fort St John All Candidates Forum, which took place Thursday April 21, 2011. Even more so I don’t care all that much about politics. I’m not saying it isn’t an important part of being a Canadian, I mean I don’t understand a lot of it and I think a lot of it is useless dribble.
If you do want to read some good blog posts on the All Candidates Forum, Lori Ackerman wrote a good post and so did the Chamber of Commerce President, Andrew Tylosky, who also hosted the evening.
For me the evening about about two things. The first was get an idea of who were the candidates of our area. A bigger part of politics for me is knowing what type of person is representing us. I would like that person to be a genuine one, someone who is somewhat honest and actually cares about the people of the area.
The second was taking photos. I have started to enjoy being a photographer at these events. This time the room was relatively well lit and I used a 50mm and 35mm lens. I believe most of the time I used an ISO between 500-1000, with an aperture of f/2.0